Facebook Marketing, Sales Funnel
Does your content capture your audience?
As a business owner, you are too busy to create content that does not capture your audience’s attention. You don’t create content just for the sake of creating it. You don’t just spit out content just for the sake of having something to do. It has to lead somewhere, and this is why all your content has to call people to take a specific action. Your goal in creating content should be to motivate people to either get in touch with you and ask questions, or purchase what you are offering.

This is why I suggest that you use the power of chatbots; in particular, Facebook messenger chatbots. One of the best things about these chatbots is that they are inbound. They only kick into action once a person on Facebook clicks on the link, and their Facebook Messenger app opens. Once that happens, you merely have to position the right message in front of them.
Not only can you send them an automated response, but within that response, you can give them a menu of keywords or triggers that can then trigger a multi-topic discussion, that gets to the bottom of their problems. You have to understand that the only reason why people will try to get a hold of your brand online, is because they have problems.
Your customers are trying to solve something. They are trying to figure something out. They are unclear on certain things. When you make them feel that they matter enough for you to answer their questions, and for you to put in the time, effort, and energy to create a process for them, your brand stands out. No one wants to wait for hours, days or even weeks for a reply. This is why smart business owners take advantage of marketing bots instead of costly customer service agents and reps.
To most people bots seem like some sort of inbound customer support tool, but to the savvy business owner they can produce tremendous sales opportunities from problem solving. When you position your business to be a problem solver for your customer, you create more opportunities. You can automate the query it takes to solve the problem.
Create problems that solves problems and makes your brand stand out. Once your brand is positioned properly in front of your target audience, you can start to generate more leads and sales. Make your content consistent and helpful for your prospects, customers, referral partners and everyone else connected to your business. Your ads should state the problem you solve and for whom you solve them.
Put your Facebook Messenger chatbot link prominently on your fanpage, website marketing materials and business cards. Grab your audience’s attention get more conversations going that create a positive impression in your audience’s minds. Your goal is to make them want to do business with you, refer more customers to you and spend more money with you.

When businesses don’t use the proper tools to help meet their audience’s needs, they lose their audience to someone else. Please remember that just because you publish a lot of stuff online, doesn’t mean that you are building your brand. Don’t waste your time publishing junk when you can use Facebook Messenger Bots to create great content for your online audience.
Your customers were your first audience for your message. Promote the results your customers are receiving instead of what you think your business is about. Create messages and promotions that speak to your future prospects but don’t forget about your current customer base. They are more likely to purchase from you again if they are pleased with the results they received from your business.
Facebook Marketing, Sales Funnel
Build Your Brand With Facebook Messenger Bots
No matter what you do online, everything must lead to your brand. I am sure you already know this because most business owners know that anything else can waste your time effort and energy. When it comes to promoting your business, it’s very easy to waste a lot of time online doing tasks that produce little to no results. If you want real results focus on using Facebook Messenger Bots to simplify your sales funnel process and marketing on social media.

Focus your efforts where they count.
As business owners, we are very busy and we don’t have the time to fool around when it comes to getting new customers. When we make our brand stand apart from our competition, we show our customers and prospects that we can provide what they are searching for.
You have to understand that the Internet is very competitive. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, and believe me, there is no shortage of businesses and experts looking to eat your lunch. You have to take this seriously.
And unfortunately, so many small business owners are seemingly just chasing their tails and barely finding enough customers to stay in business. They get stuck in a rut, and whatever messaging they get out, it is repetitive and basically spammy. They just keep repeating the same point over and over again, and they make a lot of noise, but it’s really all a waste of time.
Let’s convert more of your audience into leads and sales. Foster the relationship between your brand and your prospects. Increase your customers’ trust in your products and services. Show your audience how to get the most out of your products and services. The best way to do this is to use Facebook Messenger bots.

Once you get people on your business fanpage, you will be able to deliver your focused messages. Nurture your audience and give them a reason to want to do business with you. Facebook is a social media network, so be social and network. Don’t send people to your website URL in every message. I suggest you change that up. I suggest that when you call people to action, to check your business fanpage, or if they are already on your website, get their eyeballs on your messenger bot link.
Get them to click that link so chatbot would kick in, and you can then generate a conversation that engages your audience into the next step of your sales process. You can take them to different parts of the all too familiar KLT online sales funnel conversion process or do your entire sales funnel in Facebook.
Customer Prospecting Simplified
Depending on the keyword query of your prospect, your bot can serve up content that familiarizes the prospect, gets them to like a class of solutions, or pushes the specific solution you’re selling.
This means that regardless of where your prospect is in the conversion process, your bot can serve up the content that will push them along until they fully trust your brand. Talk about a quick and efficient way to build trust and credibility online. You can do this on a 24/7/365 basis! And best of all, it’s cost effective and can increase the efficiency of your entire business.

This is also how you automate customer service inquiries and turn them into potential sales opportunities. If you have been in business for a certain amount of time, you should know what questions your customers will usually ask. Create a frequently asked questions conversation that builds customer loyalty and solves your customers problems.
Booking and Reservations
Customers would rather book appointments and make reservations from their phones. Make it easier for your customers to enjoy the convenience of getting things done without the hassle of looking up your information, then having to place a call during business hours to become a customer.
What tasks can you automate using the power of Facebook Messenger bots? Start bringing new life to your business and new opportunities for your customers to rediscover your what your business has to offer.